Association Ecologique Bienfaisante Contre les Pollutions Excessives des Villes et Villages
en agissant contre toutes les formes d'agressions (pollutions, nuisances, atteintes au patrimoine naturel)
améliorer la qualité du cadre de vie,
pour une nature protégée
auprès du grand public pour en réformer les comportements,
pour sauvegarder la flore et la faune
liées aux véhicules pour la tranquillité des riverains
grâce à l'entraide de ses membres
dans le respect de la biodiversité
protéger la faune et la flore
et le cendrier de poche
visuelles et sonores
en valorisant le respect de la nature
pour une économie sociale et solidaire
pour obtenir plus de transports en commun, des pistes cyclables, des chemins pour les randonneurs,
Adrien Kraus
President National
Virginia Le Chevalier
IDF Vice President
nature is precious.
I do not see myself acting on a daily basis without taking into account my impact on the planet.
At my home, I practicezero wasteand I am very invested and attentive to theecology thanks to
My commitment to the ecological transition, betweennecessity and opportunity Faced with the emergencyclimate,
and in the ecological transition becomes a necessity, driven by the pressure of regulatory requirements and society's expectations, as well as an opportunity to rethink its economic model andpreparing for the future with AEBCPEV
Sandra Verrat
Vice-president Grand Est
Ecology, Commitment: Two words that carry a lot of meaning and a lot of expectations for many of us. Also bearers of many misunderstandings because each person places their experience, their history and the collective unconscious there. It seems to me essential to say it again, to write it down, to succeed beyond words, to transcend these two concepts. This is why I am campaigning with the AEBCPEV association.